LIVE 60-minute webinar with Chrissy Thompson, SLP. Children can be resistant to the unknown or new concepts for so many different reasons. Are they hungry? Did they get enough sleep? Is this activity hard for them? Are you asking them to leave a preferred activity? Do they have a short attention span? A negative previous experience in that space? Are they just having an “off” day? There are so many contributing factors to behavior! As a parent, it can feel like you’re putting out little fires all day just to keep your child happy. In this webinar, we will cover the potential causes for behavior, suggestions and strategies for supporting and shifting behavior, and the signs to look for to determine if it’s more than just a ‘bad day.’
Within the session there will be time to ask questions and directly talk with Chrissy. Join the group, meet fellow parents, and empower yourself to help your child!
Meeting available with Monthly Membership. $12.95/month Purchase Subscription here.
Purchase for $19.95 as a Single Event here.