The place to find providers and programs to support your child in the Asheville area. This list has been vetted and contributed on by local providers and families.  If you have anyone to add to the list or are interested in speech therapy services, Contact Me.

Autistic Voices

Actually Autistic Blogs is a list of blogs created and maintained by adults who have been diagnosed with ASD.

On Instagram:

@Mrsspeechiep– Autistic Speech Language Pathologist, Helping YOU recognize Autism traits and Neuro-affirming support tips

@ Toren.wolf – Teen who shares life with autism/ADHD/ARFID

@ Neurodivergent_lou – Writer, speaker and creator, finding a place as an autistic in a neurotypical world

@ Sensorystoriesbynicole – Neurodivergent advocate and author, helping parents and neurodivergent adults find answers related to their ND struggles

@ Morgaanfoley – Autism | Travel | Arts n crafts

@ Theexpertally – ND-affirming, trauma-informed, friendly IEP & 504 advocate therapist Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, mental health


Asheville Parks & Rec Therapeutic Recreation

Feed the Need is a year-round, prevocational training program for teens and young adults (ages 16 and up) on the autism spectrum and similar behavioral needs. At Feed the Need, participants have the opportunity to work on prevocational, social and daily living skills as well as community networking.

WNC Source provides Children, Transportation, Housing, and Adult services.


Embrace Full Spectrum Care  – Jillian Levy – create positive relationships with educators, schools, doctors, therapists, and whoever you want on your team to foster collaboration.

Catherine Faherty – Autism Services, Training, and Advocacy – Respecting, Honoring, and Celebrating Neurodiversity

The Autistic Autism Consultant – Kara Nash – empowering individuals to comprehend their physical and mental well-being, aiming to alleviate the stigma, isolation, shame, anxiety, and depression often associated with an autism diagnosis.

Van Winkle Law Firm – Heather Goldstein  828-844-7169. Special needs attorneys/guardianship


Autism Society of WNC connects families to resources and provides training to help you become your child’s best advocate. 

Arms around ASD provides services for people on the autism spectrum regardless of age, ability or income AND their families, care providers, support staff and other professionals (teachers, doctors, nurses, therapists, etc) who work with them. 

Family Preservation Services exists to empower children, teens, and adults to live life to their highest potential. We provide ongoing support & services to those in need, for as long as they need.

North Carolina Early Intervention Branch (NCEI)  The Infant-Toddler Program provides support and services for families and their children, birth to three who have special needs. 

RHA Health Services.  RHA Health Services provides a broad range of services to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health and substance use needs. 828-232-6844

Augmentative Communication

PrAACticalAAC  supports a community of professionals and families who are determined to improve the communication and literacy abilities of people with significant communication difficulties. Strategies and videos to learn about AAC and how to implement it in your home or practice.

North Carolina Augmentative Communication Association (NCACA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and support to individuals with complex communication needs, their families and the professionals who serve them.

Emily Anne Bennett Lacey, CCC-SLP at Huff Center Therapies 828-213-1725.  Emily provides evaluation and treatment for children needing augmentative devices.

PlayTalk&Grow. We have therapists trained in the evaluation and support for alternative communication methods.

Assessments and Testing

Appalachian Counseling and Psychological Services

Asheville Testing specializes in evaluations of ADHD and learning disorders. Chris Mulchay  828-515-1379

CReATE Educational and Neuropsychological Testing provides assessment services for Autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders over the past 20 years. CReATE does not bill insurance.  They provide a superbill that you may send to your insurance for repayment. 828-231-3297

Grandis Evaluation Center provides comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessments for people of all ages.    828.299.7451

Huff Center Therapies provides outpatient pediatric audiology and occupational, physical, and speech therapy    828-213-1740

Matone Counseling & Testing offers a variety of counseling and testing services for children and adults. 

TEACCH Autism Program include diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning and implementation, education, consultation, training opportunities, and research.  919-445-7020

Roots Psychology, Robb Durr, Ph.D. (testing only)

Audiology/Hearing Services

Asheville Audiology Services – 828-348-1690 

Asheville Head, Neck and Ear Surgeons  – 828-254-3517 Buncombe; 828-698-2350 Henderson; 828-884-6702 Transylvania

Carolina Pediatric Therapy – Pediatric Audiology  828-670-8056

Mission Children’s Audiology  828-213-1725

Advent Health ENT – Hendersonville

Behavioral Support

Dayna Lauren Coaching Ph: 954-232-7481 email:

“My therapeutic approach doesn’t just rely on one technique or discipline, but on developing an awareness of how we relate to and experience life. I incorporate a practical and wholistic approach that combines decades of diverse studies and experiences. My goal is to address your unique and special needs, giving you the tools required to fulfill your specific aspirations.”

PBS Positive Behavioral Supports  We use the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to conduct quality assessments and behavioral intervention plans.

Case Management

FIRST WNC connects the dots between families, schools, and government agencies to create the best network of support around each of our clients.  Janet Price-Ferrell, Director 828-277-1315

Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center: ECAC Western NC office: (800) 962-6817

Care Reach  Linking people to resources that help maintain their health, including medications, transportation, food, healthcare, legal services, and more.

Vaya Health Care Management – Member and Recipient Services Line at 1-800-962-9003.

Coaching Services

GRASP, the Global and Regional Autism Spectrum Partnership, is an Autistic and Neurodivergent led 501(c)3 non-profit seeking to improve and enrich the lives of our Autistic peers. 

Gifted and Growing – Gordon Smith offers Gifted counseling, Gifted Coaching, and Improv Comedy 

Counselors – Adults/Parents/Caregivers

Asheville Counseling & Wellness Center 

Erin Vandermore, MA, LPCS 

Kathryn (Ryn) Arrants, MA ET, LPC, RYT, LCAS

Lauri Burmeister, MA, LPA

Black Mountain Counseling Center 

Full Circle Counseling and Wellness, Matt Snyder. Adult & Adolescent services. Hendersonville.  828-222-0401

Counselors/Psychologists/Social Workers

Amanda Sullivan, TEACH Autism Program. (828) 251-6319

Asheville Child Counseling. Lauren Hufnagel, LCSW, clinical social worker, recommended as a play therapist.

Danielle Maxon, LCSW, MSW, Therapy for Spirited & Extraordinary Children CONTACT

Narron MD – Dr Greg Narron and associates (828) 274-1415

– Parenting is the hardest job you can have. Some circumstances call for extra support. Find it here.

Karan Kuretsch, LCSW experience working with preschoolers, children adolescents and adults.  (828) 548-1062

Jennifer Ann Harr, Clinical Licensed Social Worker   (828) 277-1315

Pisgah Institute provides consultation, medication management, and individual psychotherapy. (828) 254-9494

Steven Love, PhD and Elsa Berndt, MA, LPA at Olsen Huff

Crisis Stabilization

Caiyalynn Burrell Child Crisis Center: Daymark Recovery Center is a facility-Based Crisis Service for children and adolescents, ages 6-17, is a service that provides an alternative to hospitalization for an eligible child or adolescent who presents with escalated behavior due to a mental health, intellectual or developmental disability or substance use disorder and requires treatment in a 24-hour residential facility. 

C3356 Comprehensive Care Center is a treatment and resource center for mental health services, substance use/addiction recovery support, and support for individuals who have behavioral health needs and co-occurring developmental disabilities.   828-254-2700

Family Preservation Services, Phone: (828) 225-3100 1314F Patton Avenue – Asheville, NC 28806

Mobile Crisis Services – Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania and Yancey Counties 1-888-573-1006

Mission Health Program 

NCDHHSThe 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is free, private and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will listen and, if you need it, find help nearby for you or someone you know.

Vaya Crisis Management – Behavioral Health Crisis Line at 1-800-849-6127


ABC Dental Center  Hendersonville 828-692-9075

Black Orthodontics

Dennis R. Campbell DDS 828-254-7291

Great Smiles – Dr. Chambers – 828-274-9220

Equine Therapy

Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center 828-675-5814 Burnsville

Free Rein Center for Therapeutic Riding and Education 828-883-3375

Harmony Through Horses Transformative Counseling 828-337-8468


Blue West Opportunities provides residential, vocational, and supported employment services that offer persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities meaningful experiences focused on the whole person.

Eliada Homes

Davidson Family Services – Swannanoa. LINCS is a day program for adults, 18 years and older, with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). It is a place where individuals come to develop their habilitation skills to be more independent and to pursue their goals and interests. They receive assistance with their social skills to build friendships as well.

Tenants Rights and Housing Assistance for the Disabled

WNC Source provides Children, Transportation, Housing, and Adult services.

Hair Stylists

Sandy at Custom Cuts and Color (828) 298-2887

Veronica Coit at Westside Shears 828-329-9391

Casey Smith at Westside Shears 828-329-9391

Integrative Health Care

Catherine Faherty Autism services, advocacy, and training. Consultations for professionals and families. 

Insight Integrative Medicine – Dr. Susan Bradt is wonderful with nutrition consults.  

WNC Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Janet Opila-Lehman, ND, OTL.(828) 424-0078

Dr. Sudeshna Dasgupta, MD, MPH


Youth Out RIght we engage and support LGBTQIA+ youth ages 11-20 to be confident, resilient and compassionate community members.

Occupational Therapist

The Family OT Kayla Bryant 828-475-8822

Play Spark Therapy Kylie Jeffery 828.606.8866

Andrea L. Jacobson, MOTR/L, BS ED.  720-833-8016

Janet Opila-Lehman, OTL.  

Joy Cadelina, OTD,OTR/L 650-380-0600

APTitude Occupational Therapy  – Julianna Norris, OTD, OTR/L
Cell: 732-491-9615  Email:


Autism and Travel

Planning a Move with Autism

Sleep: Guide to Better Sleep for Kids with Autism

Weighted Blankets:  Project Linus, Jennifer Alle Haines, a non-profit organization, we provide homemade blankets to children in need. 

First Christian Church – Asheville (Disciples of Christ) 470 Enka Lake Rd, Chandler, NC 28715  Contact: Diana Crawford, 828-446-3835


Blue Sky Pediatrics Dr. Harold Kowa 

Olsen Huff Therapies through Mission Hospital

French Broad Pediatrics John Templeton, MD

Asheville Behavioral Health  Melissa Thingvoll, MD and Mona Venzon Rice, MD

Prospect Pediatric Behavioral Health  Paul Trombley, MD

Programs and Groups

Asheville Museum of Science (AMOS) – programs for special needs kids,

Arms Around ASD – for Autistic children and families offering Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathic Medicine, Zumba, Massage, Social groups.  Contact: Michele Louzon 828-775-8622

Autism Society of North Carolina offers workshops, support groups, advocacy, and services. 

Autistics United Asheville based organization celebrating neurodiversity. They host spectrum-wide and all age events throughout the year, provided BY Autistics and FOR Autistics

Eliada Homes offers high level intervention and prevention services for children and adolescents that focus on social and emotional well being, life skills development, career readiness, and trauma informed treatment. 

Family Support Network is a free library, mentoring, workshops, support groups. 

Open Hearts Art Center Open Hearts Art Center provides the unique opportunity for differently abled adults to express themselves using a variety of creative avenues.

P.L.A.Y Project provides autism resources for parents in the Asheville, North Carolina area. We provide training and support for families of young (18 months to 6 years) children with autism right in their home. 

St Gerard’s House, Hendersonville, provides a wide array of support, training, and consultations to families, caretakers, teachers, therapists, and others who are integral parts of the life of an individual with autism. 

TEACCH Autism Program include diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning and implementation, education, consultation, training opportunities, and research. (828) 251-6319

Vaya Health  As part of whole-person care, we support members in finding safe, reliable housing. We also believe every individual, regardless of ability, who seeks employment deserves work with dignity. 

WeRocktheSpectrum is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to foster learning, exploration and safe sensory experiences. Located on Hendersonville Rd. 

WNC Source provides Children, Transportation, Housing, and Adult services. Headstart and NC PreK programs.

Recreation/Exercise/SUMMER CAMPS

Blue Ridge Treks is a community of mental health therapists dedicated to enhancing health and wellness in the Blue Ridge Mountains surrounding Asheville, North Carolina. Our team utilizes a holistic approach that is strengths-based and relationship-centered.

Asheville Parks & Rec Therapeutic Recreation Lori Long

ARC of Buncombe County offers afterschool and summer programs. 

Camp Lakey Gap is a week-long residential camp for people with autism. We serve both children and adults, grouped together by age and assigned to different weeks.

Camp Tall Tree provides a traditional overnight summer camp experience. Our program aims to serve kids and young adults on the Autism Spectrum, as well as their siblings and neurotypical peers.

Connect Program is a summer camp in Hendersonville focused on building and polishing social skills for ages 6 to 19. Connect promotes wellness support for all children, regardless of diagnosis, whether the child has a diagnosis on the autism spectrum or other developmental needs.

Full Spectrum Farms, Sylva, NC  We are a thirty-four-acre farm where individuals with ASD can live, work, and explore in a safe and encouraging environment.  

OSEGA – climbing, falling, bouncing, sensory input

Talisman Camps: summer camps for neurodiverse children

Respite Services

ARC of Buncombe County  828-253-1255 

Caring for Children offers mental health counseling focus and respite services.

Contact Amy Hobson,; Executive Director at CARING for Children

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R)   828-407-2066 Buncombe; 828-698-0674 Henderson & Transylvania; 828-689-1528 Madison 

School resources

Buncombe County Schools Autism Support Services 

Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center

Asheville City Schools Phone: (828) 350-6128

Buncome County Phone: 828-255-5921

Anne McGuire (25+ years retired from TEACCH)


Speech Therapy

Play Talk & Grow Speech Therapy   

Asheville Community Therapy

Olsen Huff Therapies 

Abby Waller (offering in-home services)

Supported Employment Options

Autism Society of NC Employment Support 

Vocational Solutions  Allen Jones, Hendersonville

Vocational Training for Adults with Special Needs – article

Annie B`s Homemade Ice Cream – employees autistic and differently abled individuals

64 Long Shoals Rd, Arden, NC 28704

Swim Lessons

KJ Schroer (678) 525-4284 Swim Gently


Asheville Eye  Dr. Bashinsky

Vision Source  Dr. Audra Lear – South Asheville

A special thank you to Kara Nash, RN and Dr. Janet Opila-Lehman, ND, OTL for the initial creation of this list. 

This list was compiled from shared experiences within my community either personally or from my colleagues.